NDANDA has always been playing a key role in educating and in the training of the young generation. This has been done for years. To-date, Ndanda continues to do so in various areas:
- Ndanda Vocational School: the school has more than 160 young people who train in more than ten different trades like: electrical/water installation, carpentry, secretarial services, printing/binding services, masonry, metal work, tailoring, etc.
- Ndanda School of Nursing: the nursing school is attached to our Mission Hospital and prepares nurses up to a diploma level. This school is both a labour pool for our hospital as well as for hospitals elsewhere in the country.
- Abbey (Boys’) Secondary School: Education is the key of development for any society. By providing good quality education, we participate in preparing a better generation of tomorrow. With over 500 boys, Abbey Secondary School currently boasts of being the best in the entire southern region and among the best in Tanzania.
- Abbey Pre & Primary School: We believe that good education should start at the youngest age possible. By opening a Pre & Primary School, young children (from the age of 4) are given a chance of starting the long process of learning in their lives with good teachers and in good surroundings.